Short Term Missions in Guatemala

Perhaps you haven't had a 60+ year old woman beg you for food in a developing country.  The sad reality is, through no fault of their own, there are many people around the world who aren't getting enough to eat. Through God's prompting, and as a result of his love for us, Mision Hispana Mission Society was born. The Mision Hispana team serves and ministers to the poor, the orphaned, the widowed, and the elderly. God's love is meant to be shared both practically and through his message of redemption; we encourage people to experience the joy of giving for themselves through a mission experience, it is life changing.It has been an amazing time. Mision Hispana had the privilege of working with 30 short term missionaries over the past five weeks. These teams arrived from three different places and ministered to the poor with Mision Hispana.  They shared the Great News of Jesus, fed the hungry, encouraged the poor, and provided for the needs of dozens of families. It was a fantastic and power-packed five weeks as people from all walks of life visited us and participated in our ongoing ministry projects.  Many lives were transformed as the groups sang, preached, shared, and prayed with people.The Mision Hispana team were so blessed to host these amazing people some of whom sacrificed vacation time, finances, and their plans in order to be here working with the forgotten of remote Guatemala.  Two young ladies stayed on as interns for a month to get more missionary experience and pray about a possible future as missionaries.If you are looking for opportunities to impact lives, consider joining Mision Hispana for a short term mission or join us in praying for the people of Guatemala. Please also consider supporting Mision Hispana financially, your monthly donations literally change the world for people located in remote areas of Guatemala. They receive the Gospel, discipleship classes, and a lot of love, but with your help more families can be provided with food, medicine, and supplies.  Thank you for considering supporting Mision Hispana through prayer, your time or your finances.Mision Hispana is a project of the Great Commission Foundation. The Great Commission Foundation is based in Canada and has over 370 projects operating nationally and internationally, we are proud to have Mision Hispana as part of our organization. Together we thrive and are able to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ.  

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