Faith And Fruit Year-End Update

https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2020/11/Faith-And-Fruit-GT-header.jpgPGJyLz4=US Donors Click HereUpdate“I’m very motivated to serve my community and my family,” said Sebastian, known to everyone in the region only as Imamá (tiger in the Emberá language). He is about my age, perhaps a bit younger but more weathered. I sensed his emotion as we sat distanced and masked at the military outpost awaiting an offered meal. I was hungry, distracted… but rarely had I experienced such emotion from an indigenous man.“We need water in our homes,” he continued, his head lowering. “The river… 2 months ago… my eldest son… he drowned.” I prayed for words as my chest sent tiny convulsions up my throat and face to my tear ducts, and I held it in for whatever reason we do.

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PC9icj48L2JyPg==I learned, to my relief, that his use of the word drowned (in Spanish, his second language) implied that his son, 8 years old and undoubtedly an expert swimmer, had been severely asphyxiated from prolonged submersion in the murky, churning waters of the Chucunaque river. He had aspirated water and debris into his lungs, was rushed hours into Panama City, and spent 18 days in the children’s hospital, nearly dying and requiring invasive surgery to survive. The boy is alive and well, and Sebastian has an unwavering determination to prevent anyone in his community from walking that path again.Urgent NeedsTreacherous trails where children and the elderly carry water, powerful currents that betray even the familiar, deadly preventable diseases, and spiritual darkness. These things are not the inevitable inheritance of the next generation in Darién, Panamá.We invite you to partner with us to transform this forgotten region with clean water for homes and living water for hearts… in Jesus’ name. Send us an encouraging message, pray with us, or come join us.Our MinistryOur purpose is to engage in holistic, sustainable development among the needy of Latin America while preaching Christ as Lord and Savior. We strive to begin with community-expressed needs and community assets, the methodology which empowers others both physically and spiritually. We mobilize and multiply technical expertise in water and sanitation, agriculture, and technology to serve marginalized peoples, particularly indigenous.Thank You For Your Prayers & SupportPlease pray for health, safety, and God’s provision in the midst of these challenging times. Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and support.PC9icj4=Learn More About Our MinistryPC9icj48L2JyPg==

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