PGJyLz4=https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2021/07/CCI-Logo-800x600-1.pngPGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=Location: Based out of Kyiv, Ukraine, with staff and volunteers serving in six countries of the Former Soviet Union.We are about enabling, building and partnering in the ministry of local churches in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union through Christian youth camping programs. This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary as a ministry.In 25 years we can see more than just the results. We can see the impact of our ministry. Also, research bears this out in that two recent research projects conducted here in Ukraine independently by One Hope International (2015), and HODOS Institute for Leadership Research and Development in Eurasia (2019), Christian Camping has been recognized as the second most effective tool the church has had for the past 25 years for connecting with the young audiences and for leadership development among adolescents, the first most effective tool being Church-Based Bible Study programs, like Sunday schools or youth Bible studies.We were brought together and then brought up by Kingdom Ventures, Canada, who had come to the then-Soviet Union in 1991, 30 years ago, to help develop Christian camping across the Soviet empire. In those years camps were a very new way of ministry to churches and many viewed the idea with apprehension. We now see that camping is being effectively used by churches across the FSU.Every year we train close to 3,000 camp leaders who in turn serve 60,000 campers through 700 Christian camps in six countries of the former Soviet Union. We’ve heard from camp leaders who attended our training events this year when we were able to get together in person after one year of offering virtual training programs:
"The atmosphere of the camp setting is energizing and inspiring to move ahead with renewed vigor. This is the time and place of renewal."
"It is impossible to get this kind of drive and energy online."
"Such face-to-face conferences are very few. We must seize the opportunity!"
“Serving teenagers is important for me. I needed to hear the experience of others firsthand."
“Learning is better absorbed when in-person, and you have a better understanding of how to apply it."
That camps would be able to operate fully despite the many and ever changing government regulations and requirements in the countries we work in.
That the gospel would be shared boldly and effectively through the many camps involved in the Association of Christian Camps and Conference Centers (a.k.a. Christian Camping International Ukraine).
That the needed resources (funds and people) would be supplied to enable the effective ministry of CCI Ukraine.
Special spiritual protection for camps in countries and regions where it is very difficult to operate due to governments not friendly to Christian efforts outside a church building.
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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.