Bethlehem Family Association - Giving Tuesday Nov 30, 2021

PGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=Famille de Bethlehem (Bethlehem Family) has been a registered NGO since 1981, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The NGO is focused on caring for orphans and widows and currently works with over 130 children in two homes.Update:We, the Bethlehem Family Association, have been reeling through not only the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which has affected our economy, but also the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano on May 22, 2021, 10km from the province of Goma, some 100 km from our town of Bukavu, not only left material damage, but also human damage.The period from 2020 to 2021, in villages near the city of Bukavu, recorded a high rate of female mortality during childbirth or after childbirth. This was caused by the lack of supply of medicines and sanitary materials and in others a problem of poor nutrition. This have gives us even more new cases of newborn children arriving from all over the place.We are faced with a situation where many of our families are like the story of the Good Samaritan:  This man who came down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, stripped him, beat him up, leaving him half dead. Faced with the current situation of the pandemic, poverty and disasters, we meet children abandoned and living by themselves, who suffer with no food, no one to turn to. In this situation of darkness for these children, we appear as a source of light and hope.We have registered in our two centers a good number of children who have lost parents either from the volcano, deaths of parents or other economic reasons. Extended families are struggling to care for additional children.Consequently we have welcomed too many children for our current resources to provide for.  However, as God’s hands and feet, we cannot say no, as these children have nowhere else to go.We work day and night to provide good nutrition, health care and an education for these children so they can have a better future. All this, thanks to the moral and material support of people of good faith around the world. Alone we would be incapable for such a difficult task.We reach out to you, to see whether you can help us in this task of providing light in the darkness for the children of the Eastern DRC.  Help us to provide food, baby formula, and emergency health care to these orphans and abandoned children.

  • $480 1 year of care for a child, health, food, and education

  • $280 1 month of food for 15 orphans

  • $100 1 month of formula for a newborn baby

  • $70 which provides us with a bag of rice and a bag of corn flour and 10 kg of beans, to feed a group of 15 orphaned children for one week.

  • $40 will pay for the cost of schooling for one child for one term

  • $20 will pay for a school uniform for one child

  • $15 will pay for new shoes for one child to go to school in.

PGJyLz4=LEARN MORE PGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=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PGJyLz4=PC9icj48L2JyPg==https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2020/11/GCF-Logo-2.pngABOUT GCFSince 2002, the Great Commission Foundation has been providing a place for individuals, ministries and organizations to thrive in ministry. Our vision is to work together to help the impoverished, further education, and help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.We are passionate about helping fulfill the Great Commission. Our team of skilled administrative and accounting personnel are dedicated to simplifying ministry. We bring admin relief to our agents and projects and release them to spend more time on ministry work. Through collaboration, we provide compliance, clarity, and relief to ministry. We welcome any Christian ministry or project to contact us to discuss how we can collaborate. We believe we are stronger together.PC9icj48L2JyPg==LEARN MORE PC9icj48L2JyPg==PC9icj48L2JyPg==https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dan-Melissa-Whitcombe-Greater-Joy-School.jpg

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