Nothing Hidden Ministries - EOY 2021

PGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=About Nothing Hidden MinistriesAt a time when there is so much confusion regarding marriage and sexuality, Nothing Hidden Ministries (NHM) is connecting singles and married couples with the Lord and leading them into spiritual, relational and sexual wholeness. Nationally and internationally, NHM has seen the Lord restore thousands of marriages, including couples already separated and even divorced. Thousands of singles have been set free from the shame of their past and received hope to live a life that honors God through their sexuality and ultimately in marriage. Creating a lifestyle of honesty, transparency and vulnerability while bringing Holy Spirit into every aspect of life and relationship are some of the core components of our ministry.End of Year OverviewMany people around the world have been financially impacted over the last year and a half; marriages especially have felt the strain of so much uncertainty. Our heart is to be able to continue to provide discounts and scholarships to those in need so they can still attend our workshops especially in this time of even greater relational challenges.SupportWe appreciate your prayers for wisdom and provision for navigating these unprecedented times. Help us reach our goal of $5,000 which would provide discounts for dozens of couples and singles.PGJyLz4=LEARN MORE PGJyLz4=https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2021/07/455-Nothing-Hidden-Ministries-Logo-300x125.pngPGJyLz4=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PGJyLz4=PC9icj48L2JyPg==https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2020/11/GCF-Logo-2.pngABOUT GCFSince 2002, the Great Commission Foundation has been providing a place for individuals, ministries and organizations to thrive in ministry. Our vision is to work together to help the impoverished, further education, and help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.We are passionate about helping fulfill the Great Commission. Our team of skilled administrative and accounting personnel are dedicated to simplifying ministry. We bring admin relief to our agents and projects and release them to spend more time on ministry work. Through collaboration, we provide compliance, clarity, and relief to ministry. We welcome any Christian ministry or project to contact us to discuss how we can collaborate. We believe we are stronger together.PC9icj48L2JyPg==LEARN MORE PC9icj48L2JyPg==PC9icj48L2JyPg==https://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dan-Melissa-Whitcombe-Greater-Joy-School.jpg

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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