Great Commission Media Ministries - Ukraine Relief
Ukraine Crisis Updatehttps://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2022/03/unnamed.jpgPGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=Local church volunteers are continuing to meet with people right in the middle of areas hardest hit by Russian military attacks. They continue to hand out the campaign books, that contain life-changing testimonies and a road map to faith through Jesus. Certainly, when explosions and gunfire occur nearby everyone seeks cover, but so ​​far campaign volunteers have been trying their best to reach as many people as possible.Gennadi Mohnenko, a chaplain who is one of the key persons in the campaign, was told by the authorities to gather the children at Pilgrim Orphanage and flee directly to the Polish border through the night without stopping. He has done so and his convoy carrying all the children, is somewhere on the road in Ukraine, heading west. Most of the other campaign workers remain in the area.GCMM has now been able to get the campaign’s life-changing testimonies on more billboards, and TV and radio programs, and in using these different media forums we’ve expanded our campaign to cover almost all of Ukraine.GCMM has accelerated the media campaign to a maximum. More evangelism 160-page books are off the press in Kiev. Huge super billboards measuring 120 meters long are now in place in the center of four megacities of East Ukraine. We have also contracted the biggest TV channels in Ukraine to carry the powerful stories of changed lives. Residents of several frontline towns and cities are flocking to campaign churches for comfort and security. They are being ministered to and are getting their copy of the Power to Change book.We have offered to evacuate all 90 children and adults from the orphanage to Finland (presently on the Polish border). But, Gennady asks to wait. Only if the security situation deteriorates quickly then we need to move with the plan.PGJyLz4=LEARN MORE PGJyLz4=

*To donate to Ukraine, use the 'GCM - MEGA CITIES' in the Designation drop-down and indicate Ukraine Relief in the comments.

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