Guidelight - Ukraine Relief
Ukraine Crisis Updatehttps://gcfcanada.comwp-content/uploads/2022/03/274754152_10165968962760167_3995898648984124461_n.jpgPGJyLz4=PGJyLz4=On February 24, 2022, a full scale invasion of Ukraine was launched by Vladimir Putin of Russia.War brings death, destruction, displacement, and every category of suffering with it. Over 40 million Ukrainians are suffering the crushing effects of war. Children are experiencing life-altering trauma. Many families are being separated from the ones they love. Entire cities are going underground numerous times each day and night to seek cover from seemingly endless shelling and bombing.Guidelight’s international ministry started in Ukraine in 2012 and has grown deep roots among her people. We have loved and served her people with the gospel for ten years. We will continue to serve, support, and provide biblical encouragement in Ukraine.We are heartbroken by the devastation and violence that Ukrainians are presently experiencing.We covet your prayers for Ukraine. The scope and intensity of the war is massive, with every major city in Ukraine under attack. Ukraine holds 43 million people nearly all of whom are experiencing the extensive and complex trauma of war.Though we do not currently have staff in Ukraine, we are in close contact with churches, friends, and families we’ve had the privilege of serving the last several years. Many of these conversations are happening while these dear people are in bunkers, basements, or makeshift shelters and explosions and gunfire echoing through their own streets. They are in imminent danger. What can you do?PRAYER SUPPORTWe can all pray and intercede for the Ukrainian people. Of course we pray for peace and resolution, but we can pray in other ways as well.Pray for Ukraine’s 7 million children living through war.
Pray for the thousands of children and adults residing in institutions to have their basic needs met.
Pray for peace for families who have children with special needs. The chaos of bombings and running to shelters if often more difficult to endure for someone with special needs.
Pray for protection of the elderly who may not have the strength or mobility to respond to every air raid siren or access to needed medication.
Pray for the 43 million Ukrainians experiencing the complex trauma of war.
Pray for Christians to be strengthened through prayer and Scripture. Pray for peace in the hearts of believers.
Pray for the church in Ukraine to advance the Gospel light in the darkness of war.PHYSICAL SUPPORTThere are ways to support currently, though the situation on the ground is quite complex. All practical needs will be determined through local ministry partners and churches in Ukraine. At this time we will focus on the following needs.Food
Medicine & Medical Supplies
Transport or movement of people & foods
Particular focus will be on families and individuals with special needs, as well as orphan institutions lacking adequate caregiving supplies.We will continue to be committed to the long-term, gospel-centered support of Ukraine.PGJyLz4=LEARN MORE PGJyLz4=

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