Bruce and Deborah Crowe – Ukraine Missionaries May 11, 2022

Before the war with Russia, Mir Ministries began building up a storehouse of supplies throughout Ukraine. These essential supplies are continuing to be distributed today through a network of channels in Ukraine. With your help, we can continue to replenish and care for as many Ukrainians in need as possible.

Mir Ministries is actively, grounded in Ukraine and Romania serving in a variety of humanitarian and refugee care projects.

In addition to the Emergency Kits, our Emergency Fund has expanded to serve along the borders of Poland, Hungary, and Romania. We have team members serving inside Ukraine, and setting up bases with partners to serve incoming refugees.

The following is a list of projects Mir staff has been responsible for coordinating since March 1, 2022, related to Ukraine’s war with Russia.

For additional updates visit our Director’s Facebook page –

*Updated March 4th

  • Evacuation of Refugees: We have been supplying in-country money transfers to cover the 2-3 day journey to the Western borders of Ukraine, including $5,000 to Eastern Ukrainians for gas supplies.

  • Feeding Program: We have been resourcing a feeding program that provides meals along the Chernitvsi (Romanian) border.

  • Feeding Program: We have been providing bread in the Eastern City of Kharkiv.

  • Widows Program: Our team has continued to visit, as much as possible, our +500 widows served with food packages and emergency kits throughout the week.

  • Housing for Refugees: Our director is currently in Romania, networking and securing housing inside the country for church communities and ministries (wives, and children).

  • Refugee Housing in Ukraine (South of Kyiv): Our ministry base has two residential homes that are currently serving as transit centers for families en route to Western Ukraine. Dozens of families have arrived, been fed, received a good night's sleep, prayed for, and sent on their way.

*Updated March 12th.

  • Fuel funds for vans going in with aid, and back out with refugees.

    1. Wood for make-shift orphanage heating Romania.

    2. YWAM assistance funding Romania (transporting aid, hosting guests, networking partners)

    3. Diapers and Feminine Products Central Ukraine

    4. Refugee Housing in Ukraine, food, and assistance in central Ukraine for transit partners.

    5. Ukraine Crisis Hotline – staffing, support.

    6. Transport assistance – Flights, bus, train Ukrainian friends.

    7. Widows support in several villages, visitation, and food packages.

*March 16th.

  • Contracted 6 months on first refugee house Cluj, Romania (16 beds – photo below).

  • Contracted 6 monthly apartments in Cluj, Romania for Ukrainian Mir staff.

  • Sheltering now 9 in Cluj (housing, food, medical care – 6 women, 2 kids, 1 man)

  • Fuel sponsorship for caravan pastor friend for aid from border to Kyiv region.

  • Sheltering 30 in our Ukraine properties (includes housing, food, transport).

  • Set up an office in Cluj, Romania – in partnership with Christ for Romania Bible College.

  • Coordinating evacuation assistance with Ukrainian friends & neighbours.

*Updated March 23rd.

  • Employment Database started in Cluj, Romania for Ukrainians seeking jobs.

  • Sponsoring Valeriy, leader from Steiger Mission in Ukraine (we personally know) who is managing a convoy of 15 transports of aid/evacuation daily.

  • Sponsored $2,000 in fuel costs for transport convoys for aid/evacuation.

  • Opened a small office at Christ for Romania Bible College for logistics.

*Updated March 30th

  • $1,700 in van repairs+fuel for 15 van convoy team taking food in, and citizens out of active war zone.

  • Serving refugee partners in Cluj, Romania needing transportation.

  • The first job placement took place!

  • Provided medical and travel assistance to several transiting refugees.

  • Sponsored cataract surgery for widows in Ukraine.

*Updated April 18, 2022

  • Lighthouse Cafe in Ukraine re-opening, and free Coffee / Tea for the month of April for the community.

  • Children’s refugee care and outreach in Rzhyshchiv, Ukraine $400.

  • Guest House food/supplies for +100 sheltering individuals and families over the past 3 weeks.

  • Direct deposits of $30/ea to widows for food supplies in Slovyansk, Eastern Ukraine who are without volunteers.

  • Van repair for Donetsk Region partner evacuating elderly to Rivne, Ukraine.

  • Special Needs Wheelchair purchase for single mother refugee in Romania $700.

  • Bible Distribution- 70 large letter bibles to elderly with eye-sight issues in Central Ukraine.

  • YWAM Kyiv $1,000 towards food distribution.

  • Medical supplies Boyardanka / Bucha $500.

  • Rehab Center distribution for food/supplies (Ireland Church partner) $1,500.

  • Widows food distribution of $5,000 over the past 3 weeks, 14 villages in both Ukrainian and Russian-controlled regions.

  • The Romanian church community of 30 women and children food provisions for the month of April ($1,000).

  • Hosted 3 Ukrainian Community gatherings in Cluj, Romania.

  • Refugee house Romania food and utilities $1,200 April.

  • Hair stylist equipment for Tanya ministry to refugees in Cluj $300.

  • Sponsored a volunteer for the month of April who is serving refugees in Cluj for $600 helping them learn the language, register, and find jobs.

  • Myrnograd, Eastern Ukraine convoy aid to elderly and at-risk families remaining ($1,000).

  • Refugee assistance for refugee friends who ask to join us in Romania from other countries.

*Updated April 28th

  • Mykolaiv, Ukraine, assisted a caravan of medical and food supplies to a war-torn area ($1,000).

  • Our staff drove Sasha, a Ukrainian friend who was recently diagnosed with life-threatening cancer travel to Vinnytsia, Ukraine and paid for surgery ($500).

  • Sent urgent humanitarian aid to 12 widows in the Slovyansk region via their bank cards.

  • Donetsk Region: Repaired Alexey volunteer bus which needed a new engine for continuing evacuations ($600).

  • Visited Romanian YWAM base hosting 28 orphan refugees from Kyiv Region, visited and working to help find volunteers (

  • Helping local Refugees in Cluj, Romania register, and find jobs.

Prayer Request:

Many of our staff remain in Ukraine and actively serve their communities. Please pray for God’s provisions and their safety. Continue to pray for the people of Ukraine so that they may find peace through God.

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