Agape International Missions (AIM) Blog - June 15, 2022

Agape International Missions (AIM) is doing whatever it takes to end the evil of child sex trafficking, one life at a time. Through a holistic approach of rescuing, healing, and empowering survivors, we see lives transformed by the relentless love of Christ.

Over the years, we’ve seen how prayer directly impacts the fight against trafficking. Here are some examples:

2010: Five Cambodian girls arrived in the US to testify against their perpetrator. We prayed for each one that they would be brave and courageous as they testified; for justice and that he be found guilty for his crimes; and for healing for the girls. GOD GAVE EACH OF THEM COURAGE, THE COURT FOUND THE PEDOPHILE GUILTY, AND THESE YOUNG LADIES HAVE SINCE THRIVED.

2012: AIM was contacted by a woman trapped in a brothel. The brothel owners were tipped off that a raid was coming and moved the girls so we wouldn’t find them. We prayed for the girl to be found and rescued. After 3 days, she bravely faced her trafficker and told him that AIM was still coming to get her. IN RESPONSE, HE LET HER LEAVE. God intervened and moved the trafficker to let her walk out of the brothel.

2014: We prayed for a safe way to rescue girls after many raids were tipped off. AIM presented a proposal to partner with the anti-trafficking police and it was accepted, and THE AIM SWAT TEAM WAS FORMED. This allowed our team to work directly with the Cambodian police to rescue victims and arrest their traffickers by conducting our own investigations and raids.

2016: The owner of a building that housed many AIM programs informed us that they had to sell the property immediately. They wanted to sell to AIM so we could continue our ministries. However, we did not have the $300,000+ to make this purchase. We prayed for God to provide an answer and He delivered. A visiting missions team IMMEDIATELY OFFERED TO HELP COVER THE COST! This building in Svay Pak has been the center of our prevention efforts and now continues to be a beacon of hope and an example of transformation.

We can’t fight this fight alone. Trafficking will only end when we all come together to walk with survivors and protect their futures. The work we do would not be possible without the support of partners like GCF. Thank you!What your support can do:

  • $50 - supports a SWAT investigation

  • $100 - empowers survivors through safe, sustainable employment

  • $500 - brings healing through the work of social workers and counsellors

  • $1,000 - restores hope and dreams for a new life as we walk with survivors through their entire journey!

Location: Cambodia, Belize

Prayer Request:

  1. Ongoing work in Cambodia and the health and safety of our staff

  2. Startup work in Belize especially plans for a new Transitional Home and Foster Care Hub for trafficked children

  3. God's continued faithfulness in providing the resources we need to continue the Mission He has given us

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