MENA Leadership Center Blog - Aug 24, 2022

We recently conducted a two-day training program that helped ministries learn how to reach the majority population and build Christian communities online. This digital church consultation has been a great opportunity for pastors, theologians, and discipleship ministries to collaborate and explore new opportunities of Kingdom cooperation. This type of collaborative networking is difficult in any setting, but it can particularly be difficult when partners in the room have such a wide range of personal and spiritual backgrounds. Some of the participants come from historic Christian families while others are recent converts from non-Christian traditions. Despite all these differences, the MENA Leadership Center is proud to be facilitating such a vital conversation for the future and growth of the Gospel in the Greater Middle East.

Our hearts were stirred when one of the ministry leaders described how because of the digital church, his ministry was launching the first online deaf church for the Middle East. The deaf throughout the Middle East is one of the most unreached and unengaged people groups and yet because of church online, they would now have an opportunity to not just learn of the gospel but to be connected to authentic Christian community that understands them and speaks their unique language. 

From concept to execution, the MENA Leadership Center has been there every step of the way to help this ministry and we are continuing to walk with their team as they begin to minister to the deaf across the entire greater Middle East.

One of the greatest benefits of our training is being able to connect and network with fellow ministry leaders in the region. Creating the space for intentional collaboration and cooperation is a hallmark of the programs that the MENA Leadership Center is proud to provide.

This is only one example of how the MENA Leadership Center has become a facilitator for transformative discussions across the Greater Middle East.

This training and ongoing consultation is made possible because of the generosity and support of our partners. 

The MENA Leadership Center’s (MLC) mission is to bridge leadership gaps and expand the capacity of Christian leaders throughout the Greater Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by providing the tools that are essential to the expansion and acceleration of the Gospel.

Our vision is to see high-impact strategic Christian leaders and organizations throughout the MENA led by leaders of faith, vision, character, and purpose who are committed to transforming and impacting the region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 2020, we have trained nearly 600 leaders. 

We offer training programs and courses that are practical and innovative solutions that help leaders accelerate the gospel through the work of their ministry. While most of the programs from the MENA Leadership Center are online, there are special classes that need to be offered in person. 

Prayer Request:

Please pray that we can continue to reach and disciple more leaders for the growth of the Gospel.

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