The Luke Commission Blog - Aug 31, 2022

Project Location:

The Luke Commission is located in Southern Africa, in a small country called Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), adjacent to Mozambique and South Africa.

Since the arrival of COVID-19 in March 2020, TLC has been one of two facilities admitting severe/critical patients. Since the start of COVID-19, TLC has admitted 90% of the nation’s COVID-19 ICU patients (over 1,700 patients). During the first and second wave, our country faced a strain in terms of oxygen.

Without an in-country source of oxygen, we were dependent on suppliers in South Africa. It was a very painful season. The team mourned with the families of patients and staff who lost loved ones to COVID. During the second wave of COVID-19 in Eswatini (Dec. 2020-Feb. 2021), TLC resolved to prepare for subsequent waves, debriefed 2nd wave to inform 3rd wave preparedness, and committed to oxygen independence from South Africa before the 3rd wave. TLC responded by rapidly and continuously adapting: systems, technology, medical care, logistics, buildings, personnel, and psychosocial support.TLC was able to finalize plans for the construction of a 2500 LPM PSA oxygen production plant, the first of its kind in Eswatini. The external structure of the plant was built in 52 days. The plant started producing oxygen 20 days before the 3rd wave began, providing each bed with 70 litres per minute of oxygen. Capacity for bottling cylinders was completed on June 25, 2021. The availability of oxygen has dramatically affected TLC’s ability to treat COVID-19 and other diseases and contributed to the national COVID-19 fatality rate being reduced by half in the third wave.

At the peak of admissions during the third wave surge at Miracle Campus, the TLC team cared for 138 COVID-19 patients, 91 of whom were critical, and 55 of whom were on ventilators. Peak oxygen consumption during the 3rd wave was 3,300 LPM, with the new 2500 LPM PSA O2 production plant supplemented by a 20,000 kg bulk liquid oxygen tank.

With lives in the balance, The Luke Commission rapidly built Eswatini’s first-ever oxygen production plant in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without any dedicated funding for construction and operationalization, TLC obtained a loan to build this plant in record time. We are grateful for gifts already received for this oxygen plant (US$2.4 million) and invite gifts of any amount toward paying off the remaining US$1.6 million on the loan.

About TLC

TLC was founded by Harry and Echo VanderWal in 2005, serving with a team of eight local staff at the height of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Eswatini. Fast forward to 2022, we have a team of more than 650, 98% of whom are local staff.

The Luke Commission (TLC) provides free, compassionate, comprehensive, patient-centered health care to underserved populations in Eswatini. The TLC team delivers health services at the fixed-site Miracle Campus and via mobile hospital outreaches. All services, including HIV, TB, and COVID-19 services, are part of a comprehensive healthcare platform. Motivated by faith, TLC seeks to treat every patient as a beloved father, mother, brother, sister, or child.

We believe that for TLC to treat every last one as a beloved family member, every TLC staff member must know and exhibit the organization’s core values, which we call the TLC DNA.

  • Teachable spirit

  • Looks for solutions

  • Committed to unity

  • Dedicated to Every Last One

  • Not about me = servanthood

  • Attitude of gratefulness

With a team of 650 dedicated staff, TLC hosted 130,000 patient visits in 2021 and delivered over 900,000 medical services in 2021 at both the fixed-site Miracle Campus and through over 900 mobile health outreaches across Eswatini. Every day, TLC sees miracles, both large and small, in the lives of the patients God brings to us.

Prayer Request:

  • Pray for God’s gift of peace to be seen and celebrated in Eswatini

  • Pray for the leaders of Eswatini—for godly wisdom and supernatural strength during the challenges of everyday leadership

  • Pray for the members of the TLC team as they are blessed to be a blessing to the nation

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