Zion Church Community Center Blog - Aug 10, 2022

HIV/Aids and Covid-19 have affected so many people. The awful outcome of these viruses is that many more children have been left as orphans with no hope of acquiring an education. In addition, many people lost their jobs and were unable to afford food. We had to come out and demonstrate the love of God to the people by giving them food while encouraging them to put their trust in the Lord.

We are also facing many other challenges which include inadequate funds for helping the orphans and needy, carrying out evangelism, and developing the community.

As a church, we have been collecting contributions from church members to help people in need, especially the old. When it comes to construction, sometimes we mobilize the church members to make bricks and build for those in need, at other times the Lord brings good Samaritans who support us.

Zion Church Community Center Ltd. is led by pastor David Musoke. Our purpose is to Evangelize and care for the needy in an efficient manner and to establish schools for community development. We help with practical needs and care for our community but understand that even more importantly we need to address the spiritual needs of our community. We work to set up Christian institutions of the bible, music, and outreach ministry and to propagate Christian discipleship through training and equipping Christian leaders.

Prayer Request:

Pray for God's provisions so we can provide orphans with uniforms, school supplies, tuition, and other basic necessities.

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