Josiah Venture Canada

2022 Year-End Overview

Supply Ukrainian pastors with winter supplies necessary for pastoral visits to hard-hit areas of Ukraine!

Our organization, Josiah Venture, has been serving the youth of Ukraine for almost 20 years by training and equipping young leaders to make disciples through the local church. Unfortunately, some of the youth ministries we have partnered with in the past are located very close to the front lines of the war taking place in Ukraine. Some of the devastating effects of a full-blown war in Ukraine include starvation, freezing cold conditions, and serious infrastructure outage predictions for this winter. Pastors and local churches feel the responsibility to care for their congregants and those their community serves by visiting families and providing them with the basic physical and spiritual materials they need.

Our Ministry

Our mission and calling is to equip young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission by reaching and making disciples. More than just conversion, we want to see passionate followers of Jesus Christ, with a vision to reach and disciple their generation for Him.

Urgent Needs

Please help us purchase basic food items, firewood, fuel, and Christian materials for pastors and humanitarian aid volunteers making these pastoral care visits to hard-hit places across Ukraine. Many brave church workers are eager to make these trips into dangerous areas to bring the hope of Jesus Christ and the Gospel, but they need partners like you to fill their vans with these supplies.

Each humanitarian aid trip this winter will cost 3,000 CAD to cover fuel and food for the pastors, as well as humanitarian aid packets, firewood, Bibles and Christian trauma materials.

Would you help support courageous Ukrainian pastors willing to go into war-torn areas to share the Gospel and meet spiritual and physical needs in really hurting places?

In Christ, Kristy Williams and Mykola Semenov, representatives of Josiah Venture Ukraine’s War Initiatives.

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