SOAR International Ministries

2022 Year-End Overview

SOAR’s ministry focuses on the countries of Russia and Abkhazia where thousands of children are in crisis and many have no place to call home. They live in orphanages, hospitals, handicap insAtuAons and shelters. Many of these children have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our Ministry

Since 2002, SOAR has used the Stuff A Stocking project to share the Gospel with at-risk Russian and Abkhazian children at Christmas. SOAR’s Stuff A Stocking project takes gift-filled Christmas stockings along with Bibles to these children while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them.

We do all of this in partnership with the local church, opening a doorway for local Russian churches to begin and cultivate relationships with orphanages in their region. This allows our partners to continue to minister to these children after we are gone.

Recently, SOAR missionaries have been travelling to Moldova ministering to refugees fleeing from Ukraine because of the war. In response to this crisis, we are expanding Stuff A Stocking into Moldova and even Ukraine, sharing Christ’s love and hope with refugee children who have experienced so much sorrow and uncertainty.

Urgent Needs

You can sponsor a Stocking with a Bible for US$40 each. Each Stocking is hand-delivered with a personal letter to each child along with a presentation of the Gospel message.

Please pray for this outreach and consider writing a letter to a child at The Ministry Goal is 3,500 stockings at US $40 each which is US $140,000.

Stuff A Stocking Video:

An inside look at a Stuff A Stocking distribution:

General SOAR Video:

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