
“At times, families can be a bit dysfunctional. I believe the beautiful thing is how we move forward in love.”

Ashleigh Montague is a member of Mount Hamilton Baptist Church. She is passionate about impacting the communities that she’s a part of which can be seen through the various initiatives and non-profit organizations that she has co-founded, including BLK OWNED.Every story matters.In different conversations that we have had, we have heard about some beautiful things that God is doing through His Church in this city. We know that hearing these stories can have a powerful impact on those who come across them, but it is too easy for these stories to be missed…Click here to see more stories:

Ministry Overview

TrueCity is a network of churches in Hamilton, Ontario who have entered into partnership to pursue the good of our city together. We work to simultaneously pursue mission at a congregational level, at a collaborative Church-in-the-City level, and as God’s people scattered across all sectors of Hamilton. Participation in this network is a tangible way we choose to live out God’s call to Church unity for the good of the city.

Prayer Request:

Please pray that God would continue to expand TrueCity's reach and help transform more lives in Hamilton, Ontario, and surrounding areas.

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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