Fida International

13-Year-Old Lamia Prevented Her Friend’s Child Marriage


This story highlights the issue of child marriage in Bangladesh and the importance of raising awareness to protect the rights of young girls. The story revolves around a sixth-grader named Lamia, who is determined to end child marriages in her community. Despite legal restrictions on child marriages in Bangladesh, Lamia’s friends are still at risk of being married off at a young age due to poverty, superstition, and tradition.

In Bangladesh, the legal marriage age is 18, yet some of Lamia’s friends are either already married or facing imminent marriage arrangements orchestrated by their parents. Lamia, having received education on the adverse effects of child marriage, is determined to halt this practice. She recognizes that child marriage disrupts a girl’s education and poses health risks due to early pregnancy. With newfound courage from her schooling, Lamia stepped in when she learned that her friend’s parents were planning her marriage, successfully convincing them to abandon the plan.

With her education, unwavering courage, and newfound inspiration, Lamia is more motivated than ever to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Additionally, she is passionately dedicated to her mission of combating child marriage by advocating for the importance of education among young girls.

Click Here To Read The Full Story

Ministry Overview:

Fida International is dedicated to bringing hope and a brighter future to the most disadvantaged individuals. Their primary focus revolves around enhancing the rights of vulnerable children. The organization’s overarching mission encompasses sharing the Gospel, establishing churches, and empowering them to initiate comprehensive missionary endeavours. The central aim of their missionary efforts is to establish self-sustaining churches that possess financial, administrative, and theological independence, thereby evolving into sending churches themselves.

Within the framework of Fida’s Christian mission, an inherent commitment to love others by serving the impoverished and marginalized exists. Their development initiatives are geared towards fostering peace, championing justice, and fortifying human dignity. In the realm of relief work, Fida’s objective is to save lives, mitigate suffering, and reinforce human dignity. In all its endeavours, Fida International adheres rigorously to international humanitarian aid principles, quality standards, and ethical guidelines.

Prayer Request:

Pray for all of the families and children in Bangladesh, for Fida International’s efforts to make education more widely accessible and to have a significant impact in preventing child marriages.

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