Crest Leadership - Midlife Leadership Development

In the journey through life, many individuals encounter a shared challenge—why do people often experience stagnation or decline in the second half of their lives? This predicament is not isolated; in fact, a substantial 75% of those aged over 40 find themselves in need of guidance during this crucial phase. This blog explores the core issue, the mission of CREST, and the values that guide individuals on the path to flourishing.

The Problem: Loss of Clarity: At the core of the matter lies a loss of clarity, a challenge that CREST endeavors to address and overcome. The question becomes: How can one restore the clarity needed for a fulfilling second half of life? The answer lies in the CREST approach.

CREST's Purpose: Empowering Leaders to Thrive

CREST is not merely an acronym; it represents a mission to empower leaders to flourish in the latter part of their lives. Shockingly, statistics indicate that only 1 in 4 individuals typically find success in their second half. The purpose of CREST is to help individuals beat that statistic and embark on a journey toward meaningful growth and fulfillment.

In-Depth Reflection and Credentials

Crest offers opportunities to engage in a guided, in-depth reflection on life and leadership. This journey provides insight into one's past, clarity about the present, and a vision for the future. Along the way, individuals have the opportunity to earn credentials, such as a 2-year Diploma in Christian Leadership or a Master in Christian Leadership.

Their Mission: Guiding Reflection and Providing Resources

The mission at CREST is multi-faceted. The organization engages with Christian leaders in their mid-years through guided reflections on life and leadership. Through tailoring resources for leaders in this specific phase, CREST offers this unique opportunity to earn credentials along the way. Why focus on midlife leaders? Because a profound shift is required for optimal flourishing, and CREST specializes in helping individuals understand and navigate this shift.

Who They Serve: Leaders from All Walks of Life

With two decades of experience, CREST has worked with leaders from diverse backgrounds—pastors, business leaders, not-for-profit leaders, entrepreneurs, men, women, and married couples. The services offered are designed for anyone who desires their second half of life to be purposeful and impactful.

Values: The Foundations of Flourishing Flourishing is not an automatic process; it requires specific conditions. The values encapsulated in the CREST acronym guide the programs and create the necessary conditions for flourishing:

  • Community and Collaboration: Flourishing is not a solo journey.

  • Respectful Relationships: People must feel safe and valued.

  • Experiential Learning: Beyond theory, learning comes through practice.

  • Spiritual Formation: It's not just about knowing God; it's about experiencing Him.

  • Time: Flourishing is a journey and process that takes time; it's not a quick fix.

As individuals delve into the intricacies of midlife flourishing, CREST stands as a beacon offering guidance, resources, and a community for leaders navigating the second half of their lives. Individuals are invited to join this transformative journey and beat the statistics together.

Ministry Overview:

The CREST Leadership Center is committed to helping adults find clarity in midlife, so their second half can be their best half. Research shows that your best contribution will likely come after the age of 40, but less than one-third will find that significant contribution – most will flat-line or be frustrated in the second half of life. There is a critical window of opportunity that occurs at midlife, typically in your 40s and 50s. When you choose to intentionally pursue development, the success of your life is greatly improved.

Prayer Request:

Pray for Crest to empower and train a greater number of midlife Christian leaders, fostering their development and equipping them to make a meaningful impact within their communities.


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