Round Room Ministries | 2024 Year-End

Round Room exists to foster collaboration and growth within the worship arts community. One key opportunity we offer is our monthly Worship Pastor Gathering. It was at one of these gatherings, nearly a year ago, that I first met Ian. At the time, he had recently stepped into the role of Worship Pastor at a large congregation. Though he had served faithfully as a worship team volunteer for many years, the transition to pastoral leadership was both exciting and daunting. Ian entered this new role with a fresh vision for the worship ministry, eager to make changes—but he faced resistance from volunteers who had once been his peers.

When Ian joined our Worship Pastor Gathering, he was discouraged and filled with questions about how to lead well. However, upon walking through the door, he immediately connected with other Worship Pastors—both seasoned leaders and others who were new, just like him. Each month, we come together to share the challenges and triumphs in our ministries. Through Scripture and prayer, we encourage one another and offer wisdom. Over the past year, Ian has experienced the ongoing support and encouragement of this community. What started as feelings of being lost has turned into a deep sense of belonging. Ian has found a safe space to ask tough questions that he felt he couldn’t ask elsewhere.

He no longer feels isolated in his ministry and has rediscovered joy in serving his congregation. Having served in both volunteer and vocational worship leadership for the past 20 years, I can relate to the journey Ian is on. My desire for Round Room Ministries is simple: that Worship Pastors would know they are not alone in their ministry. I want every Worship Pastor to be supported by a community that walks with them, helping to prevent burnout in the demanding life of ministry.

Thanks to your support, Worship Pastors like Ian are finding an encouraging and empowering community at Round Room Ministries. A supported Worship Pastor leads a healthier team, and a healthier team is able to freely lead others in worship. And ultimately, that’s the heart of our mission: to create space for authentic worship at the feet of Jesus.

*GCF operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular GCF projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is the Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

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