About This Project

The Holy Spirit is moving in the remote mountains of the world through Climbing For Christ. We are an international ministry with a unique purpose: to GO and deliver the Gospel in the world's mountains where other missionaries cannot or will not go. We seek out those living in remote mountainous areas at the ends of the earth who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. We address spiritual and physical needs, build churches, and build up the body of Christ.

Climbing For Christ serves to reach Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, animists, and atheists living in roadless, isolated mountain villages in Majority World nations, most of which are found in the 10/40 window. Since 2005 we have conducted well over 100 short-term mission trips to 17 countries and focus on reaching unreached, unengaged people groups so that all may hear. We are currently active in Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), India, Indonesia, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Tanzania, and Turkey.

More people worldwide have NOT heard than HAVE heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Climbing For Christ GOes to make disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). We provide indigenous missionary support, train disciples to make more disciples, distribute Bibles, free brick factory slaves, deliver medical help, care for widows and orphans, and build houses of worship. We also provided COVID emergency relief in the countries where we work.

We serve under God’s direction with two paid staff based in the United States, a volunteer Canada chapter coordinator, kingdom workers, and ministry partners in eight countries, and Climbing For Christ members who join us on trips. We desire to be in lock-step with Jesus, walking in His ways and loving as He loves, obeying His command to preach the gospel to all nations (Mark 13:10).

Jesus was always looking for that one missing sheep. He would leave 99 behind to GO and find the lost one. Climbing For Christ does the same. We GO to find lost people no one cares about – or even knows about – to rescue souls one at a time so that their names may be added to the Book of Life.

Won’t You Join Us?

Your financial support to Climbing For Christ will help us address a great imbalance in reaching the more than three billion souls worldwide without access to the Gospel. Only three percent of all missionaries worldwide work among the unreached. Only about one percent of all missions giving by churches worldwide go to the unreached. You can help inspire a movement of generous, sacrificial giving to spread the Gospel where it’s needed most!

You can pray for, give to, and GO with Climbing For Christ to the ends of the earth. For more information on where Climbing For Christ is GOing to deliver the good news of salvation to the unreached, visit our website below.

GCF #330

Program Countries: Global

Focuses: Church, Discipleship, Evangelism

Team Lead: Gary Fallesen

Team Members: Brandy Fisher, Elaine Fallesen, Pastor Al Robinson, Louis-Olivier Petelle, Kevin Tomalty

Climbing For Christ logo
Click here for information on giving by cheque or pre-authorized debit

*The Great Commission Foundation (the "Foundation") operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular the Foundation's projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is The Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation.

Need to update your contact or giving information?

Call our donations department toll free 1-855-488-7020 or local 1-604-960-2595 Ext. 425

Office hours are 7am – 4pm (PST) Monday to Friday. (GCF’s office is closed on stat holidays)

Email donations@gcfcanada.com – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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