About This Project

Hope of the Nations Bible College (HNBC) offers a two-year Biblical Studies program for training Church leaders in Christian teaching, pastoring, and Bible knowledge, study, and research. Graduates will apply Biblical insight and Christ-like values to various aspects of Christian practice, work, human relationships, and ministry and exhibit knowledge of the Bible, theology, and the essence of the Gospel by interpreting, applying, and communicating Scripture in ways that strengthen relationships with God. Graduates may also qualify for internships for training in Church planting (establishing new Churches) to reinforce and expand on the Bible College curriculum through real-life experience.

While evangelism has been done in most of Africa, very little discipleship has followed. As a result, many churches are led by untrained pastors who don’t know how to study the Bible for themselves, which leads to false teaching and unhealthy churches. The syncretistic churches need well-trained leaders.

HNBC fills a desperate need for the truth of God’s word to be known and applied. While a large percentage of the population profess Christianity (other religions include Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Animism, and a small group with no religious affiliation). Even among professing Christians, false and erroneous teaching and unschooled leaders keep God’s people from the freedom offered in the salvation of Jesus and living the full identity of a child of God.

Why give to this project?

Your gift will change lives and transform Tanzanian communities as HNBC graduates bring the love and freedom of Christ through sound teaching of Biblical truth and lifegiving salvation and discipleship. Students from all walks of life will attend the fully funded College program, including all supplies, room and board, ongoing pastoral guidance, and mentorship. Or you can support candidates through their Church planting internship and as they establish Churches in communities all over Tanzania.

Above all, we ask you to please pray for God’s work through the Hope of the Nations Bible College – that His Name and the truth of His Holy Word will continue to change lives and work for His Kingdom to come on earth – right here in Tanzania – as it is in heaven.

GCF #1291

Program Countries: Tanzania

Focuses: Church

Team Lead: Harold Knepper

Phone: 255-755-860-859

Hope Of The Nations Tanzania logo
Click here for information on giving by cheque or pre-authorized debit

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*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation.

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