About This Project

Kwiverr was born out of desperation to see multitudes of empowered international movements impacting the world through flourishing missional communities among unreached people groups. The power of that promise was equal to the pain of ‘post-harvest losses’ of internationals who had begun the transformation process in their host countries but lost it in no time, especially upon returning to their original contexts (home countries). The last straw that broke the camel's back was the observation that much of the International Student Ministry (ISM), in particular, was settling into an ‘ISM Industrial Complex.’

The stage was set for the emergence of Kwiverr–a nourishing missional community of catalysts, coaches, connectors, consultants, and creatives (5Cs) forging innovative research-based paradigms and praxes into exponentially multiplying flourishing missional leaders and communities, including church plants, among unreached people groups towards ‘finishing the finishable.’ 

It is a community of 5Cs spawning disciple-making movements (DMM) and church-planting movements (CPM) to, with, through, and beyond internationals. Kwivver sits at the intersection of international education and migration, leadership development and faith formation, missional multiplication, and the good society.

GCF & FGC #1184

Program Countries: Global

Focuses: Evangelism, Discipleship, Leadership Development

Team Lead: Dr. Yaw Perbi

Team Members: Dr. Ria Llanto Martin Sandra Afriyie-Aikins Christabel Boro Namawu Ali Michael Osei Amponsah

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*The Great Commission Foundation (the "Foundation") operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular the Foundation's projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is The Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation.

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Office hours are 7am – 4pm (PST) Monday to Friday. (GCF’s office is closed on stat holidays)

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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