PAZ International - Bruno & Beth Sene

2022 Year-End Overview

Bruno and Beth Sene served as pastors at the Paz Church in Barueri, São Paulo. Beth is the second daughter of mission directors Jeff and Becky Hrubik, and grew up in Santarem, on the Amazon. Ever since she was a child, she loved missions and wanted to work full-time for the Lord.

Currently, Bruno and Beth are serving as assistant pastors at PAZ Church Barueri, in Brazil. They are responsible for the worship and media ministries, as well as the young adult ministry. They continue to be very involved in cell groups and discipleships as they also raise their three boys to love God and the Church.

Bruno and Beth’s passions include raising up strong Christian leaders in the local church, drawing people into deeper intimacy with God through worship, and raising up an army of young people who are bold and passionate for Jesus! They love their family and love living for Jesus wherever they may be in the world.

Our Ministry

PAZ is as unique as the people we serve: from the people of the villages of the Amazon Basin in Brazil to the people in first-world nations around the world. For example, in the Amazon, we normally travel by boat and 4-wheel drive vehicles to reach remote villages. We use strategies such as medical and dental assistance to open up villages to the Gospel. In contrast, in Japan, a large percentage of the population travel by train, bicycle, car, and a lot of walking. We reach out to the people through our coffee shop ministry tied to a program for helping treat those suffering depression, loneliness, isolation and thoughts of suicide.

Urgent Needs

Beginning first in the Amazon Basin, and then expanding throughout almost all 26 states of Brazil and into 7 additional countries, PAZ International represents a powerful movement in church-planting and disciple-making. This intense focus on the Great Commission has been met with God's blessing and favour in extraordinary ways.

Often, the biggest things have the smallest of starts. And that is the way it has been with PAZ International. Since its beginning in 1976, PAZ (Project AmaZon) has planted over 860 churches and has raised thousands of leaders. Just the fact that God would raise up a ministry in the remote Amazon to influence the world is amazing! It’s definitely a God thing to see people from river communities now planting churches in capital cities and foreign countries! These leaders are reproducing themselves in the lives of others and sending teams to other needy places to start the process all over again.

With your prayers and support our ministry can continue to expand, witness, and make disciples.

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