PAZ International Bruno and Beth | 2024 Year-End

Have you ever thought of partnering with a missionary family in São Paulo, Brazil?

Even though PAZ Church started off in the cities and river villages of the Amazon Basin in Brazil (PAZ stands for Project AmaZon and also means "peace" in Portuguese - read more about it here: ), our church planting movement started to grow more and more, and now we are in the largest cities of Brazil! Not only are we training and raising up disciples of Christ to go to the nations, but we are also believing to see a complete change of the actual scenario of corruption, crime, poverty and immorality that’s still going on all over the country. Nothing is impossible for God!

We served as missionaries in Tokyo, Japan for four years and we see and feel the need for the gospel to reach the 10/40 window everyday. That’s why we came back to Brazil.

We’ve been seeing what can happen when a Brazilian young man or woman gets fired up and passionate for God. I don’t think I have ever seen a more passionate people than the Brazilians.

If the passion of this people is put in the right place--Word of God, worship, preaching, and making disciples--we will soon see the flames of revival overtaking Brazil, burning all over Latin America, and resulting in missionaries being sent to the 10/40 window and to all the world.

Brazil has the passion, but not enough disciple makers yet.

Many Brazilians have the passion, but not a strong foundation on the Word of God yet.

São Paulo has the structure of a big city, but not enough sending churches yet.

Illiteracy and the super low level of education in Brazil has to be taken into consideration when teaching disciples of Christ to make other disciples. It’s not always easy, but we are seeing disciples of Christ being raised up.

We haven’t yet completely reached out to the slums, the criminal organizations, and the millions of kids and young people who are struggling everyday with poverty, immorality, drug addiction, and lack of purpose. But by God's grace, we are making progress!

A couple of years ago, some of the young adults under our leadership planted a new PAZ church in the Imperial neighborhood. Just this week, I, Bruno, was counseling a desperate step dad who was pleading for our help with his teenaged step son who was getting out of jail for crimes he had committed. This step son will be living in the Imperial neighborhood. Our young people from one of our cell groups are already praying together for him and going after him to connect him with the body of Christ. We need more young leaders like these!

For us, the Amazon is Samaria, greater São Paulo (where we are) is Judea, and after that, we will send disciples of Christ to all the world!

  1. Here are some of our goals for 2025 that you can be part of through prayer or financial support:

    Finish setting up our PAZ BIBLE SCHOOL. PAZ BIBLE SCHOOL is our new, online school where we will teach Brazilians from the basics to the deepest Bible subjects, in order to teach both new-born christians and also new Church leaders and pastors. I, Bruno, have been devoting a great amount of time leading this project and raising leaders to work on the online platform, chat, ebooks, filming, editing, IT, setting up the right curriculum, etc. All of this is to ensure that we have one of the best, online Christian schools to help and speed up the making of new leaders and disciples of Christ.

  2. Raise up disciples to lead the worship ministry at our local PAZ Church Barueri (where we attend and serve as pastors).

  3. Raise up at least 10 new church-in-the-home (family group) leaders. (We have 25 under our supervision today.)

  4. Raise up a new youth and young adult leader for our PAZ Church Barueri.

  5. Plant a church in our Alphaville neighborhood.

  6. Record a new music album.

  7. Buy our own house. We are renting the one we are living in right now, and it is for sale. (It’s been great for homeschooling the kids and the youth group and meetings we have every week.)

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us? Your prayers can make all the difference! And if you feel led to help financially, you can donate through the button below. (Please choose our name in the drop down box on the donation page.)

May God bless you and keep you, giving you a very merry Christmas and a new year of 2025 filled with His glorious presence!

With love,

Bruno and Beth Sene

*GCF operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular GCF projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is the Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

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