About This Project

Andaba Integrated Ministries (Formerly His Hope Uganda) began with nine children and a young woman with a desire to make a difference in the lives of Ugandans in 2007. Out of that simple beginning has grown an organization that now sponsors around 150 children in schools in the Jinja District and provides support through a number of initiatives to the families of the sponsored children.

In our ongoing journey, we’ve discerned a clear calling to expand our reach, touching the lives of more children in need. Our vision radiates with the desire to offer quality education to the most vulnerable communities and to infuse Christian values into the very heart of their education. We’ve heard the poignant questions of these children, yearning to understand the presence of pain. Their questions have led us to the creation of our new name, “Andaba Integrated Ministries,” where “Andaba” in the Ugandan culture means “God sees me.” This name is a testament to our unwavering belief that God’s gaze is upon us, especially in moments of pain.

Our transformation is more than a change in name; it’s a reaffirmation of our faith-fueled journey. With God at the center, we are not only a district-leading child care ministry focused on education, empowerment, and success, but also a sanctuary of spiritual discipleship. Our future plans arise as rays of hope, with a vision of nurturing vocational skills for girls in tailoring and boys in motorcycle repair and service. Imagine a budding nursery school that will flourish into a vibrant primary institution, nurturing young hearts and minds not just in knowledge, but in the wisdom of God. These students shall become beacons of love and change in their communities.

How can you help?

We are pleased to offer supporters the option to donate in either Canadian or US dollars – please click the appropriate button to donate.  You will receive an acknowledgement of your donation, however, receipts are issued annually in February.

GCF&FCG #1353

Program Countries: Uganda

Focuses: Education, Health Care, Discipleship, Children's Ministry, Evangelism, Youth Ministry, Child Sponsorship

Website: https://www.andaba.org/

Team Lead: Michael Masembe

Team Members: Annet Kyalisiima: Hospitality & Service Coordinator; Steven Musana: Student & Family Support Worker; Shallom Banura: Driver & Legislative Liaison

Andaba Integrated  Ministries logo

*GCF operates on the basis of Donor-Advised Funding. It is our utmost goal to meet the Donor’s desire and intent to provide support to particular GCF projects but, ultimately, the responsibility for the disbursement and ministry use of funds is the Great Commission Foundation’s.

*You will receive an official Canadian tax receipt for all eligible donations by the end of February of the following year. Thank you for your support of the mission and programs of The Great Commission Foundation (“GCF”).

Need to update your contact or giving information?

Call our donations department toll free 1-855-488-7020 or local 1-604-960-2595 Ext. 425

Office hours are 7am – 4pm (PST) Monday to Friday. (GCF’s office is closed on stat holidays)

Email donations@gcfcanada.com – Please do not send credit card numbers via email.

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Since 2002, The Great Commission Foundation has enabled ministry projects to thrive by providing charity admin expertise and guidance while promoting collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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