About This Partner

Project Nobody is a ministry that started with the idea of helping to develop a love for missions.  Everybody who is a Christian should be a missionary (Matt 28:18-20).  Anybody who is a Christian can be a missionary (Luke 12:11-12).  However, most Christians aren't willing to go to the front lines. They often think that "somebody else" will go, or maybe even pray for God to send somebody else, just like Moses asked God to send somebody else (Ex. 4:13). In the end, nobody goes.  Are you willing to be that "Nobody"?.  That "Nobody" who, like Timothy, sincerely cares for the needs of others, especially the lost (Phil. 2:20)?  In Philippians chapter 1, Paul says that the fact that he has gone to prison has actually served to further the gospel.  Because he was in prison, others began to preach the gospel, some from "envy and strife" wanted to do more harm to Paul, but others "from goodwill".  But then Paul says, what does it matter, "whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached".

Then we come to the famous verse, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21).  In chapter 2, Paul states his desire to send Timothy to them shortly so that he could know how they were doing and says of Timothy, "For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state." Why were there not others who cared about them, Paul tells us in the next verse, "For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus."  I believe that every Christian is described by one of these two verses.  Which verse best describes you, Philippians 1:21, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." or Philippians 2:21, "For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus"?.

The purpose of Project Nobody is to train youth and adults about missions and to offer first hand experience on the mission field in remote areas where Nobody wants to go, but where there are people who need to hear about the love of Jesus.  We offer physical help and encouragement to missionaries who are serving in these areas.  Our desire is to get people out of their comfort zone and into the "battle".

Why give to this partner?

Your financial gift will help in the maintenance of school campuses, maintenance of vehicles used to take these missions trips (Bus, Boat).  Materials to build churches.  Equipment to dig wells.

You can come along on a mission trip which will allow you to see the needs first hand and our prayer is that God will give you a passion for sharing Christ wherever you are.

FGC #F1439

Program Countries: Brazil

Focuses: Education, Evangelism, Community Development, Youth Programs, Amazon, Brazil

Team Lead: Emerson Cardoso

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Office hours are 9am – 5pm (MST) Monday to Friday. (Office is closed on stat holidays)

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